The Factory Store, 2013

The Factory Store, 2013

In November 2013, Alabama Chanin officially opens its doors to the local community and public at large through The Factory Store and Café. The flagship location houses Alabama Chanin’s collection, design and production studio at Building 14, The School of Making, and a Café.  Daily tours as well as frequent community events take place in the comfortable, creatively-energized interior space, which pays respect to the building and region’s history.

Learn more about The Factory and plan your visit here.

Call or email us at to set up a virtual or in-person appointment with our Guest Experience Team.

Slide 1: Façade and entry of The Factory Store (with telltale blooms of early early spring), 2014, photograph by Rinne Allen

Slide 2: The Factory Store, photographed front to back midway through the space, October 2013; Hand-crafted jewelry displayed on branches inside the repurposed aviary; An indigo-dyed Flag Quilt hangs above tables in The Factory Café

Slide 3: Alabama Chanin’s Fall/Winter 2015 collection on display in The Factory Store, photograph by Rinne Allen

Slides 4–6: Alabama Chanin’s fabric swatch library, The Factory Store, 2013; Books contain fabric swatches that document design choices, colorways, and techniques featured in every collection. Today, our swatch library contains over 3,000 swatches, and continues to grow with each new collection from Alabama Chanin and The School of Making

Slide 7: Swatch book containing indigo-dyed swatches in Quilted Job Flowers and the back side of “Alabama Fur” with Spiral embroidery, 2015, photograph by Rinne Allen; Fabric swatch in Sylvan with reverse and negative reverse appliqué, 2017, photograph by Abraham Rowe

Slide 8: Alabama Chanin’s Fall/Winter 2016 collection and light drawings by Rinne Allen shown in The Factory Store, 2017, photograph by Rinne Allen

Slide 9: Alabama Chanin’s Life + Living collection displayed in The Factory Store, featuring Heath Ceramics, Weck Jars and Alabama Chanin Organic Cotton Jersey Napkins, 2013, photograph by Rinne Allen

Slide 10: The Factory Store and Café feature from the community-based magazine No’Ala, 2015, photograph by Rinne Allen; No’Ala Studios retired the publication of No’Ala magazine in 2017

Slide 11: Corset in Quilted Large Paradise, Scarf with Lace embroidery, and organic cotton Boa from Alabama Chanin’s bridal collection, 2016, photograph by Abraham Rowe; Exterior of The Factory, 2014, photograph by Rinne Allen