The School of Making, 2013

The School of Making, 2013

In 2013, The School of Making officially launches as the educational arm of Alabama Chanin to incorporate the best of fashion, design, and craft under one roof. What began as the Studio Book Series—open-sourcing and documenting sewing techniques and processes—expands into a variety of workshops, factory experiences and tours, community engagement, DIY kits and organic materials for hand-sewn projects, and opportunities for learning. Natalie’s work through The School of Making makes living arts accessible to all consumers, ultimately supporting sustainable ideals and a community of makers.

Learn more about The School of Making here.

Explore The School of Making workshops here.

Shop maker supplies and DIY Kits from The School of Making.

Shop The School of Making Studio Books and patterns here.

Follow along @theschoolofmaking and #theschoolofmaking.

Slide 1: Sewing needles in assorted sizes from The School of Making, photograph by Abraham Rowe; Ready-to-sign “made by” label, included with all DIY kits from The School of Making, photograph by Robert Rausch

Slide 2: Makers at work during a Three-Day Workshop from The School of Making 2017, photograph by Rinne Allen; Explore The School of Making’s upcoming workshop schedule here

Slide 3: Cropped Car Jacket Kit in Black with Tartan embroidery from The School of Making, 2015, photograph by Rinne Allen; “Faded Maggie” fabric swatch in Black/Limited-Edition Faded Bloomers cotton jersey with reverse appliqué Magdalena  from The School of Making’s Swatch of the Month subscription program, January 2021 swatch design, photograph by Abraham Rowe

Slide 4: Natalie leading a workshop at the University of Georgia in Athens, 2016, photograph by Rinne Allen

Slide 5: Cotton jersey fabrics in Ballet, Camel, and Ochre, 2018, photograph by Rinne Allen; Explore The School of Making’s signature USA-grown Cotton Jersey fabric yardage in 100% Organic and Extra-Long Staple options

Slide 6: Manuscript for Alabama Studio Sewing Patterns by Natalie Chanin, pre 2015 publication, from The School of Making Studio Book series, photograph by Rinne Allen (read an entry on Alabama Studio Sewing Patterns here)

Slide 7: Alabama Studio Sewing Patterns by Natalie Chanin, 2015, photograph by Rinne Allen

Slide 8: Variegated Stripe stencil and fabric swatch with applique, beading, embroidery, and couching from The Geometry of Hand-Sewing by Natalie Chanin, 2017, photograph by Robert Rausch

Slide 9: Beads, embroidery floss, needles, and scissors from The School of Making’s collection of Maker Supplies + Stencils; Assorted embroidery stitches from The Geometry of Hand-Sewing by Natalie Chanin, 2017, photographs by Abraham Rowe

Slide 10: Spread from Alabama Studio Sewing Patterns by Natalie Chanin with photos by Robert Rausch and Rinne Allen, 2015

Slide 11: “Make what you love” sign, 2014,  featured in slide 10 spread from Alabama Studio Sewing Patterns, photograph by Rinne Allen; Today this sign remains in The Factory Store and displays a new message, “we rise by lifting others,” affixed during Alabama Chanin’s pivot to face mask production at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, April 2020 (entry on Face Mask production coming soon)