The Archives — Indigo

Alabama Chanin - Scott Peacock and Indigo Dyeing, 2016

Scott Peacock and Indigo Dyeing, 2016

#indigostories Indigo Natural Dye

In October of 2016, Natalie, a group of friends, and her daughter (then ten years old) take a roadtrip to visit Scott Peacock at his home in Marion, Alabama. They are joined by a group of makers: Rinne Allen, Kathy Hattori of Botanical Colors, Hunter Lewis and Liz Sidamon-Eristoff of BDA Farm, and Ozella Thomas—native to (and expert on) the Black Belt. Not knowing where to begin writing about their adventure-filled weekend in the Black Belt, Natalie calls Scott a few weeks later to reminisce, and question him, about some of the more memorable moments.

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